
Highest No. of Facebook users

Highest No. of Facebook users

India has largest Facebook active users[2017] 

Indis beat United States in the no. of  Facebook's users ,India have approx 241 Millions facbook users now India is #1 in position.United States hava 240 millions ,they are now on #2 in facebook users.Brazil have approx 139 millions users ,they are on #3.
User details in India
most of users are Mobile usres approx 84% and rest are from p.c and other,54% users are active daily of facebook. the max no. of users are Youngsters age between 18-24.Now India have largest social media network.The no. of male user are more than female with huge difference.
Digital India
India have Approx 461 millions Internet users,and 241 million Social media users and approx 734 millions Mobile users.India is going digital very rapidly.
source:internet and own search.

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